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Together, through meaningful consultation and empowering training, we work towards our vision: enabling older adults with developmental disabilities to enjoy the same rights to support and services as all older Ontarians.

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Consultation and Advocacy

Our dedicated OPADD participants are deeply committed to collaborating with policy-makers to ensure that service system enhancements are all-encompassing and cater to the needs of older adults with developmental disabilities. We meticulously assess government and planning bodies’ discussion papers and position statements, actively participating in consultations to provide valuable input. We consistently relay feedback and insights gleaned from regional and local groups, empowering policy-makers with the knowledge they need to address cross-sector challenges related to aging and developmental disabilities.

Our consultation initiatives encompass several facets:

  1. Support for Local Cross-Sector Projects
  2. Consultation with Government on Crucial Emerging Issues Pertaining to Aging and Developmental Disabilities, Including:
    • Transition Planning
    • Cross-Sector Training
    • Access to Services for Seniors
    • Best Practices

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U-First! Training

We’ve created a “train the trainer” model to deliver the U-First! training curriculum to a broad audience spanning long-term care and developmental services caregivers. Originally designed for long-term care, U-First! is an educational program that emerged under the Ontario government’s multi-year provincial Alzheimer Strategy. The curriculum provides valuable insights into Alzheimer’s symptoms and equips caregivers with strategies to navigate the evolving needs of individuals with the disease.

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